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Board & Directors

The Family Resource Centre (FRC) National Forum Board of Directors comprises 35 Directors representing the 9 FRC Regions Forums.

The Family Resource Centre National Forum Board of Directors plays a crucial role in advancing the vision, mission, and values of the Family Resource Centres (FRCs) Program.  The Board of Directors provides strategic oversight for the FRC National Forum, setting priorities, guiding direction, and ensuring adherence to relevant legislation.

The board respects individual FRCs' autonomy and does not serve as their governing body.  The board seeks to ensure the effective representation of the FRCs, the communities in which they work, and the National Family Resource Centre Programme, Ireland's largest national family and community support initiative. 

The current Executive of the Board are:

Jackie Landers (Chairperson)
Ellen Duggan (Vice-Chair)
Jean Garland (Treasurer)
Catherine Leonard (Company Secretary)
Louise Moran (Outgoing Chair)

Complete Board Membership List: 

Belinda Mullen
Catherine Leonard
Chris O’ Leary
Ciara Kane
Dara Terry
Delores Crerar
Derek OLeary
Eibhlis Bray
Eileen Smith
Ellen Duggan
Emer McFadden
Jackie Landers
Jean Garland
Joan Bolger
Justyna Doherty
Kathleen McHugh
Linda Harley
Lisa Foley
Louise Hackett 
Louise Keogh
Louise Moran
Lynda Stacey
Martina Doyle
Mary O'Donoghue
Michael Farrell
Molly Kirwan
Nora Lucid
Patrice Dunne
Patrick Kelly
Seán Ahern
Sharon Kennedy
Shirley Moyles
Sinéad Jones
Susan O'Sullivan

Our vision is that all children, families, individuals, and communities will actively participate and be included in a society that is equal, equitable, inclusive, and non-discriminatory and which will enable their optimal well-being.
