Tel: 074 97 25337
Fax: 074 9740040
Core Staff
Role: Co-ordinator/Centre Manager
Name: Kathleen McHugh
Role: Administrator
Name: Annemarie Meehan
Core Activities
- Child & Adult Counselling
- Adult Education
- Childcare
- Older People Supports
- Social Groups/Activities
- Mental Health Initiatives
- Advice & Support
- Referral Service
- Listening Ear
- Work Placement
- Community Based Family Supports
- Parenting Supports & Meitheals
About Us
Donegal FRC est. 2005, funded by Tusla, Child and Family Agency. A voluntary board of directors reflective of the community manages the project and employs two full time and 4 part-time staff and provides 3 CE participants with relevant work experience. As part of our SLA contract with Tusla we follow the good governance framework and adhered to all legislative compliance procedures.The centre provides information, advice and support to meet the needs of individuals and groups including a full office service, free internet access, adult education, social groups/activities, child & adult counselling, social prescribing, holistic therapies, listening ear, older people services, meeting rooms/facilities and a large community room.
All services are available to marginalised and disadvantaged people from the locality. A broad range of community based family supports is available i.e. afterschool, parenting supports, family access, counselling, food cloud, summer camps, outreach services/programmes etc.
As a family resource centre, we are here to combat disadvantage and improve the function of the family unit. We deliver universal services to families/community based on a life-cycle approach and give opportunities to participate in society which can lead to improvements in their living standards and overall health and wellbeing.
We cater for over 7000+ people over the course the year this includes phone calls, visits, courses etc. Target groups = elderly, men & women, unemployed, lone parents, families, youth and ethnic minorities.