PRESS RELEASE: FRCNF Appoints a Chief Executive Officer.
The Family Resource Centre National Forum (FRCNF) is today delighted to announce the appointment of our inaugural CEO, Mr. Fergal Landy.
The FRCNF represents 121 Family Resource Centres around the country and has worked consistently over the last 20 years to promote and support the needs of Families and Communities in the most disadvantage areas of our country.
The FRCNF works in partnership with funders, Government Departments and Agencies to develop the work of Family Resource Centres around the country using the Life Cycle approach to our work.
The network has grown in strength and influence over the years lead by its members who are passionate about social change and equality. The appointment of Fergal Landy as CEO, will progress this passion and further strengthen the voice of the FRCNF.
Fergal Landy has worked in child, family and community services for over 20 years. Initially he worked in frontline practice as a social worker and community development worker. He then worked in academia as an applied researcher in service design and policy development as well as teaching in social work, family support, and community development education. Most recently, he has worked with Tusla to support the implementation of prevention, partnership and family support practice in child and family services. He has a degree in social work and a masters in international law and human rights.
Speaking about his appointment Fergal said "I am delighted to be joining the Family Resource Centres National Forum as CEO at such an exciting time for the FRC programme. I look forward to working closely with the board of the Forum and the members of the programme to further develop the excellent work they do serving communities across Ireland on a daily basis. My first priority will be to work collaboratively to ensure that the programme is properly supported and resourced by Government so that all FRCs can operate from a secure and sustainable footing in carrying out their work."
Eifion Williams, Service Director of Tusla said “Tusla would like to welcome Fergal Landy the new CEO of the Family Resource Centre National Forum and take this opportunity to express our support to Fergal and all the FRCs always working so hard to achieve better outcomes for families, children and communities”.
Claire Cashman chairperson of the FRCNF said “We want to acknowledge the ongoing support of Tusla for the network which has made this appointment possible. FRCs play vital role in supporting children, families, individuals and communities especially during the Pandemic. We look forward to deepening our relationship with like-minded networks to support communities to articulate their needs and identify appropriate responses.”
Fergal joins the FRCNF at a time of unprecedent growth as we develop and expand programmes and resources to meet the needs of an ever-changing world.
Our vision is that all children, families, individuals, and communities will actively participate and be included in an equal, equitable, inclusive, and non-discriminatory society that will enable their optimal well-being.