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Regional Forum

Family Resource Centres are structured into nine distinct regions, each with an FRC Regional Forum.


Regional forums provide a platform for FRC staff and members of the Voluntary Board of Directors to come together regularly to:
  • Network: Build relationships and share knowledge, experiences and best practice principles with peers from other FRCs within their region. 
  • Discuss Common Issues: Address shared challenges and opportunities, fostering collaborative problem-solving and support.
  • Organise Training: Plan and conduct professional development and training sessions to enhance the skills and knowledge of FRC staff and volunteers.
  • Plan Collaborative Projects: Develop and coordinate joint initiatives and programs that benefit the communities served by the FRCs in the region.
Regional forums play a crucial role in ensuring that Family Resource Centres (FRCs) gain representation on various regional bodies. Additionally, the regions appoint directors to the board of the FRC National Forum, acting as the primary conduit for communication between local FRCs and the Family Resource Centre National Forum Board. This structure helps to ensure that local insights and concerns are effectively communicated and addressed at the national level, fostering a cohesive and unified approach to meet the needs and challenges faced by FRCs across Ireland. 

List FRCs by Region

Below is a list of FRCs arranged by Region, click a region to reveal the FRCs located within that region, click 'view profile' to see more information on any FRC.

Mid West
North East
North West
South East

Our vision is that all children, families, individuals, and communities will actively participate and be included in a society that is equal, equitable, inclusive, and non-discriminatory and which will enable their optimal well-being.
